This is my blog about creating an eBook publishing company to rival the big ones. I hope to prove that eBooks can be produced cheaply and I can impersonate professional companies good enough to turn a profit.

Monday, February 15, 2010


Research in the internet age is wonderful.  If I had yesterday's questions before the internet I would have given up in despair, but luckily thanks to the magic of the intertubes I have several answers.  First off making my own webpage is easy and there are several companies out there that want to help me out, for a small fee.  I could get a professional slick website with great design from and a great shopping cart from 1& and advertising from and be up and going right away; and all for about 50 bucks a month.  I am not sure I want to blow my whole budget in one month so I think I will just buy a domain name from one of them, less than ten bucks should get me a year.  Then I can use one of the many free website builders out there to create a webpage.  I have used googlepages before but this time I think I will use yahoo or microsoft office's free builders.  Check back in a few days and I will have my first draft of that webpage up.
From what I can glean from the internet since I don't need partners or extra capital I can just start selling eBooks, I don't need any special licence.  Correct me in the comments if you know better.  Of course I will have to pay extra taxes, I better set aside some of my profits for that.  Assuming I ever get any.


  1. hey Adam. I would check out "Google Checkout". It does safe online credit card transactions from a trusted internet brand, and there is no fee to have it on your site, they only take there share when someone buys something.

  2. Cool thanks Donald, I'll have to check into that
