This is my blog about creating an eBook publishing company to rival the big ones. I hope to prove that eBooks can be produced cheaply and I can impersonate professional companies good enough to turn a profit.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Good and The Bad

I figured out metatags! Metatags are short descriptions of your site that the search engines use to find and display your site.  So now that I wrote it, my site is more visible and usable for search engines.  Now when you find Tricorp Publishing with a search engine you will see a description of my website instead of the first two sentences it happens to find.  Of course so far it is still invisible, but that should change soon now that I am getting hits and have improved most of the site.

On the bad side, a blow to the publishing dream is that Amazon no longer allows indie publishers to list their ebooks for free.  This sounds counter-intuitive, but since I cannot list books for free it will be harder to make money on them.  I was counting on the advertising that comes from offering a book for free, it sometimes gets you into the top ten lists and then you can change it to five bucks and make a killing with all that free advertising that comes from being on the top ten lists.  So now instead of just listing the book for free and letting the Kindle store do the work for me, now I have to do a lot more work advertising.  Bummer.  Well I suppose I will just have to roll up my sleeves and work the internet.

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